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Finally an update...& GEEK FLEA!

Been snowed in, beaten up and tossed about in a whirl wind of life, all sorts of the usual and slowly crawling back from oblivion. This year started off with a bang and doesn’t look like it'll be slowing down. Which is good, I guess as I’m almost caught up with *almost* everyone. Though my inbox still sends me into epileptic fits where I just end up rocking back and forth and humming "happy together". Lots of exciting things on the horizon of the "may" or "may not" variety so stay tuned for that. But first, Geek Flea V. Ive never actually attended but always heard great things. I have been pushed, pressured and cajoled to participate on pain of death. So... because I tend to lean away from anything that end up with me being dead.... I will be attending Unwinnable's fifth annual Geek Flea. Come check it out. April 13 – 10am til 5pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Arlington, 663 Kearny Avenue, Kearny, NJ 07032.

Stark Raving Kalm/Regan Kinon 2006-2024 © All Rights Reserved.

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